Flip Boom All Star 1.0 Software on this page. Information on how to disseminate evaluation findings to the broader service. Dissemination of evaluation findings. How to develop a program evaluation plan. Developing an Effective Evaluation Plan. Communication and Dissemination Plans. Developing an Effective Evaluation Plan. Of the program.
USAID’s call for the development of an evaluation dissemination plan early in the evaluation process, as illustrated below, helps to ensure that everything needed to support dissemination is considered well ahead of time. Chanel Preston Megapack there. More importantly, a well thought through and executed evaluation dissemination plan will help ensure that strong linkages between evaluation and planning envisioned in the diagram are forged. One of the things that makes it relatively easy for USAID staff to develop an evaluation dissemination plan early in the evaluation process is it doesn’t require much information to get started. All one really has to know is who the project stakeholders are and what types of questions the evaluation will try to address.