Your child will be taught by a highly qualified bilingual certified teacher. Why is the Transitional Program the best placement for my child?
Transitional Bilingual Education Instruction: As in the case of developmental bilingual education. It is possible to view the program as a segregated one. Bilingual education program models. The following are several different types of bilingual education program models: Transitional Bilingual Education.
Codigo Canonico De 1983 Pdf. • Bilingual teachers are specially trained to teach students who are learning English as a second language. • Bilingual teachers are able to identify academic strengths and needs and tailor instruction for students in all academic areas in the targeted language. • Bilingual teachers know which concepts/skills in Spanish transfer into English easily and which may require more work. Why is Spanish used for instruction? Your child will be assessed annually with the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS).
TELPAS is a federal requirement for assessing the English language proficiency of English language learners in four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. You will receive information from the school regarding your child’s performance. When will my child no longer need the Bilingual Transitional Program? In third through fifth grade, a student must score fluent on the English Oral Language Proficiency Test (OLPT), meet the standards for English Reading STAAR, and advance high on TELPAS writing.
In fourth grade students must score fluent on English OLPT (Oral Language Proficiency Test), and meet the standards for English Reading STAAR, and English Writing STAAR. What can I do to help my child at home? • Continue to speak to your child in Spanish.
• Teach your child concepts in Spanish. This knowledge can be transferred to English.
Usher Greatest Hits For there. • Read with your child daily in Spanish.
Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Full-time Spanish-English Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) is offered at the Champaign Early Childhood Center in a self-contained classroom where all EL students share the same home language: Spanish. EL students receive 90% of their instruction in Spanish and 10% in English. The part-time TBE programs are similar to ESL with regard to student groupings, pull-out and push-in instructional models, and learning objectives. The TBE teachers also use a non-English language and English in instruction in order to more effectively support EL students’ transition from their first language to English.
Schools that offer part-time TBE are: • Garden Hills Elementary School (French and Spanish) • Stratton Elementary School (French, Korean, and Spanish) • Westview Elementary School (Spanish and Vietnamese) • Edison Middle School (French and Spanish) • Central High School (Spanish).