Msbuild Community Tasks Msi Rating: 5,5/10 9769reviews
Msbuild Community Tasks DownloadMsbuild Community Tasks Msi

Announcement The MSBuild Community Tasks Project releases version v1.1.0.145. There are many new tasks in this release. Special thanks to all the contributors to. Msbuildtasks - The MSBuild Community Tasks Project is an open source project for MSBuild tasks.

I'll chime in, just 2 cents worth. Couple of things -- first of all I wouldn't exactly call them 'standard' options.

Both predate MSBuild 4.0 and the inline task and property function features and many of the tasks in them are pretty much obsolete. I've written thousands of lines of MSBuild and have only ever needed tasks from either of those libraries a couple times. What is nice about them is that they are pretty modular. You can pick and choose only the assemblies and targets files you have need of and check them into your code base without getting 'stuck' with the entire implementation. At times I've cherry-picked a task from one library and a task from the other, both in the same build. I always prefer using simple MSBuild 4.0 features over something in the library. I've had interest in some of the tasks in the library but the behavior wasn't at all what I needed so I whipped up my own (the zip tasks comes to mind for this one, since I wanted to control zipping in groups that didn't correlate to the source folders).

Once you have to write a single custom task it becomes really easy to roll another and another, all in the same assembly. In the end, I would say that it isn't really about the library so much as it is about the very specific need you have for particular tasks in the library, use what you need and don't tangle up your build with anything but that. I am currently using MSBuild Community Tasks in my work. I didn't have contact with other extensions, but I can tell few things on this library. Pros: • Easy to install (MSI Installer) • Easy to modify. Slowly Slowly Remix Mp3 here. Source is available, and it has BSD License so it's free to modify. Basically, you just go to. Program De Studiu Biblic. cs file with the same name as the task, modify it, open up.sln file and build the solution.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Patch Francais. Then you just paste the output to C: Program Files MSBuild MsbuildTasks • Some extensions are realy useful, if you don't wanna write to much non-msbuild code. Zipping is great, RegEx operations on files are also useful. • I didn't try other but I've seen there's few interesting tasks like gacutil (installing dll's to be seen globally), creating IIS directories, changing file attributes.

• And yes, you can do all this tasks with MSBuild, but you will need to use lots of 'Exec' commands, or using c# functions on your properties, and the code will be a real mess to read. Cons: • lack of useful documentation (maybe I wasn't searching well enough, but only help I found is downloading source, finding.cs file for your task and analyzing it) • The thing that annoyed me the most, is that there's no list of attributes for tasks on the project website. You need to google it on forums, or go to the code. • the only problem I got is that RegexReplace saves files in UTF-8.

My co-workers wrote like thousands of sql scripts, all encoded in ANSI. When i replaced stuff in them, and passed them to SQLCMD, then it wasn't able to parse the files, because of one sign added at the end of all UTF-8 files (some kind of encoding sign).